We buy men's and women's clothing in good condition and currently in style. Clothing must be freshly laundered, with no odors of cigarette or humidity. We do not purchase clothing that is out of style or clothing with stains, tears, holes, pills or pet hairs. Shoes, bags and accessories must be in good condition. We do not buy bags or shoes that are dirty, stained or peeling.
Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostale, Pull & Bear, Zara, Billabong, American Eagle, Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas, Fee People, Nike, ASOS, Gap, Lucky Brand, Charlotte Russe, Converse, Hollister, Levis, J. Crew, DC, Forever, 21, Guess, H&M, Roxy, Bershka, True Religion, Under Armour, Vans, Xhilaration.
These are just some of the brands we love, but don't worry, if you don't see your brand on the list, bring it in. We will also consider buying some vintage pieces like 80s and 90s. We buy plus sizes that are currently in style as well as men's clothing, shoes and accessories.
Check your clothing for any stains, holes or tears. We do not buy those items. Clothing must be recently laundered and neatly folded. Shoes and bags must be clean, complete and not peeling. Jewelry must not be tangled.